Using CSV Inputs

To utilise CSV inputs, follow these steps:

  1. Choose CSV as the data source and complete the other project details, such as selecting document destinations. Choose CSV

  2. Publish the project and click on View Project.

  3. In the project's data source section, navigate to the CSV section, and download the CSV template. Download CSV

  4. Complete the CSV template with the required input information. Refer to details on how to fill the template below. CSV Template

  5. Upload the filled CSV template under the same section. Upload CSV

  6. Click "Start sending" and the document will be automatically generated and the sending process will commence. CSV Send

How to fill CSV Template

Examples of how to fill the CSV template for each placeholder is shown below.

Placeholder used in Microsoft Word templateExample CSV inputs
Short/LongJessica, just some plain text, one whole paragraph of words...
Numerical/Decimal35.01, 2
IFEnter true if the value is true, else leave blank
Date02 Jan 2020, 21 Nov 1999
Table[ [ 'Name', 'Relationship to Individuals', 'Marital Status' ], [ 'Jane', 'Mother', 'Married' ],[ 'Jack', 'Brother', 'Single' ],[ 'Ron', 'Father', 'Married' ] ]

Before Sending Documents

Note that documents are sent out in bulks. Therefore, please double check the CSV template before clicking on Start sending. Clicking on Cancel will only stop further sending, and not unsend the documents that have already been sent.